Prayer Points

Prayer Points 24 July 2022

Prayer Points 24 July 2022

Our Church Seniors360 – Given Singapore’s ageing population, we thank God for the many opportunities we had to bless the seniors in Bishan (i.e. Friendship Meals & Food Distribution), and through our partnership with St...

Prayer Points 17 July 2022

Prayer Points 17 July 2022

Our Church Basic AG Leaders Equipping Course – Praise God that 8 participants have come to the end of the BAGLE course today! As some of them consider the possibility of stepping forward into formal...

Prayer Points 10 July 2022

Prayer Points 10 July 2022

Our Church English as Second Language (ESL) Ministry – Thank God for the annual training and retreat the teachers had on Monday. Pray for His continued protection and sustenance for these faithful volunteers as they...

Prayer Points 3 July 2022

Prayer Points 3 July 2022

Our Church Youth Day – Prayer Items:1. Youth culture in Singapore — for spiritual revival, against the prevalent culture of apathy and pluralism2. Christian youths — to grow deep in their relationship with Jesus,...

Prayer Points 26 June 2022

Prayer Points 26 June 2022

Our Church Our Ministry Staff & Apprentices – We thank God for the ministry and service of our sister, Tay Lihui, who will be stepping down from her position as apprentice from July onwards. Do pray for her...

Prayer Points 19 June 2022

Prayer Points 19 June 2022

Our Church #InterGen Discipleship – Pray that God will convict our hearts as one church of personal discipleship to model Christ one generation to another. Pray for those who are presently toiling hard in this personal...

Prayer Points 12 June 2022

Prayer Points 12 June 2022

Our Church #GetReal: Intergenerational Church – Pray that our God will teach us what true Christian and intergenerational unity means through our 4 #GetReal sermons this month. May we be an intergenerational church that...

Prayer Points 5 June 2022

Prayer Points 5 June 2022

Our Church Pentecost Sunday – Today is Pentecost Sunday, when the Church worldwide remembers how it began: as a community made alive to witness for Jesus by the coming of the Spirit of God. We...

Prayer Points 29 May 2022

Prayer Points 29 May 2022

Our Church Prayer for the Family Ministry pray for God’s continued guidance & direction in this Ministry. pray for God’s hand of blessing upon the families in the church, that they are discipled in the Word & will continue...

Prayer Points 22 May 2022

Prayer Points 22 May 2022

Our Church ACM – The leadership had presented the needs and plans of the church during the dialogue. Many legitimate concerns have also been raised. Session heard the requests for further dialogue and hence will...