Prayer Points

Prayer Points 6 March 2022

Prayer Points 6 March 2022

Our Church Christianity Explored (23 Mar) – Training has started for table hosts. Pray for them as they prepare their hearts to lead, and for God to provide more partners. May the rest of...

Prayer Points 27 February 2022

Prayer Points 27 February 2022

Our Church ECM – Thank God for another year of God’s faithful provision of finances. We pray that as we move into an endemic season, our ministries will be driven by His Kingdom purposes...

Prayer Points 20 February 2022

Prayer Points 20 February 2022

Our Church Catechism Class – Thank God that we have started another round of in person catechism class on Saturdays. Pray for the 20+ new catechumens, as they begin a new journey in their...

Prayer Points 13 February 2022

Prayer Points 13 February 2022

Our Church Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled (BHID) – Thank God for opportunities to bless the Bishan Home residents and staff through meals and birthday celebrations sponsored by AGs. Pray that they will...

Prayer Points 6 February 2022

Prayer Points 6 February 2022

Our Church Implementation of VDS (Vaccination Differentiated Safe Management Measures) –Starting 1 Feb, all church services must implement VDS. The key changes include: 1) only vaccinated attendees are allowed at services, and 2) all,...

Prayer Points 30 January 2021

Prayer Points 30 January 2021

Our Church English as Second Language (ESL) Ministry –After stopping classes in July last year due to the pandemic, the ministry plans to resume in a few weeks’ time on 14 Feb. Pray for...

Prayer Points 23 January 2021

Prayer Points 23 January 2021

Our Church Tuition Ministry –The ministry commenced a new semester on Thursday (20 Jan), with 19 students and 21 tutors – Praise God! Pray for the tutors that they may serve with wisdom, faithfulness...

Prayer Points 16 January 2021

Prayer Points 16 January 2021

Our Church Youth Ministry – Keep our youths in prayer! Pray that every youth in our church will grow in their understanding of God’s plan for their lives. Pray for the Youth Fellowship (YF)...

Prayer Points 9 January 2021

Prayer Points 9 January 2021

Our Church Ecclesiastes – We begin the year with a new sermon series. May God’s Word speak to us in our circumstances and draw us towards Him. As we ponder the wisdom from the...

Prayer Points 2 January 2021

Prayer Points 2 January 2021

Our Church Dedication 2022 – As we dedicate our church to the Lord anew for this year and years ahead, pray that we, as members of His church, will humble ourselves, pray, seek His...