Prayer Points

Prayer Points 17 October 2021

Prayer Points 17 October 2021

Our Church Ministry Planning & Budgeting – Thank God for the many activities we have in our church to minister to various community and discipleship needs. Pray for each team as they plan for...

Prayer Points 10 October 2021

Prayer Points 10 October 2021

Our Church Leaders’ Prep (LP) Training – AG leaders in LP training for the year are coming to the end of their study of the Gospel of John. Thank God for Ps Dev, Ps...

Prayer Points 3 October 2021

Prayer Points 3 October 2021

Our Church Safeguarding Training –Thank God that the 1pm English Congregation leaders were able to set aside time to be equipped in safeguarding matters last Sun (26 Sep). Pray that our church will continue...

Prayer Points 26 September 2021

Prayer Points 26 September 2021

Our Church BPCIS –Praise God for our Presbytery! The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore had their ACM and celebrated their 10th anniversary on Saturday (25 Sep). Pray for the BPCIS as they continue their mission...

Prayer Points 19 September 2021

Prayer Points 19 September 2021

Our Church Going Endemic – As we get used to a freely circulating virus, we want to make every effort to continue to meet safely. All our staff, as well as some of our...

Prayer Points 12 September 2021

Prayer Points 12 September 2021

Our Church Worship Services – Thank God for the opportunity to gather in larger numbers this Sunday. Pray that our church will be encouraged as we see more gather in-person. Pray for our CD...

Prayer Points 5 September 2021

Prayer Points 5 September 2021

Our Church Catechism Class – Even as we joyfully received several adults and children into membership last week, a new catechism class just started yesterday. Pray for the 20+ catechumens as they learn the...

Prayer Points 29 August 2021

Prayer Points 29 August 2021

Our Church Reception of Members –Thank God that despite the pandemic, around 30 adults and 10 children are being received across the English Congregations today. We praise God for what He is doing in...

Prayer Points 22 August 2021

Prayer Points 22 August 2021

Our Church COVID-19 – We are preparing to scale up our in-person services and ministries from September. Do check with your CST leaders for more details concerning your specific congregation. With the virus going...

Prayer Points 15 August 2021

Prayer Points 15 August 2021

Our Church COVID-19 – As the country moves towards an endemic circulating virus, the leadership is acutely aware that this means all of us are much more likely to get infected. As such we...