Prayer Points

Prayer Points 8 August 2021

Prayer Points 8 August 2021

Our Church #GetGoing – Praise God for many who have already signed up for this Zoom sharing on the opportunities to get involved in serving marginalised communities. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move...

Prayer Points 1 August 2021

Prayer Points 1 August 2021

Our Church #GetGoing – Pray that the #GetGoing Zoom sharing on 10 Aug (see p8), which will present 7 opportunities to serve among streetwalkers, migrant workers, Vietnamese and Japanese people in Singapore, digital missions,...

Prayer Points 25 July 2021

Prayer Points 25 July 2021

Our Church “Go Urban” Follow Up – Our Missions Conference draws to a close this Sunday. Pray that all of us will seriously consider DOING something to follow up on what God has shown...

Prayer Points 18 July 2021

Prayer Points 18 July 2021

Our Church English as a Second Language Classes – Thank God that ESL will be resuming in-person classes on 19 Jul. Pray for God’s protection and guidance for all teachers, volunteers and students. Tamil...

Prayer Points 11 July 2021

Prayer Points 11 July 2021

Our People Hospitalisations and Surgeries – Pray for Queenie Lim-Ng  and family as she undergoes major surgeries (see p7). Pray also for John Cho who is hospitalised, and for Melody Kwek’s mother who has...

Prayer Points 4 July 2021

Prayer Points 4 July 2021

Our Church Holy Communion – As we partake of Holy Communion in turns this month (due to prevailing restrictions), pray that as we remember Christ death and sacrifice to save us from our sins,...

Prayer Points 27 June 2021

Prayer Points 27 June 2021

Our Church #GettingReal about Disability and Inclusivity – Pray for God to give all of us in our church the Spirit of wisdom, to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened to know the...

Prayer Points 20 June 2021

Prayer Points 20 June 2021

Our Church #GettingReal about Growing Old and Singleness – Thank God for our preachers who exhort us from the Word of God on the issues concerning singles and seniors in our midst. Pray that...

Prayer Points 13 June 2021

Prayer Points 13 June 2021

Our Church #GettingReal about Race & Ethnicity – As we hear the exhortation from our preachers this week, pray that we will capture the vision of God’s people as described in Revelation. Pray that...

Prayer Points 6 June 2021

Prayer Points 6 June 2021

Our Church #GettingReal about Growing Old and Singleness – As we hear the exhortation from our preachers this week, let us pray that God will help our church family support the seniors among us...