Prayer Points

Prayer Points 21 March 2021

Prayer Points 21 March 2021

Our Church Mandarin CE – Pray for our ZBCS congregation as they continue through their run of Christianity Explored. One elderly participant sustained a fall. Pray for his recovery and for continued participation where...

Prayer Points 14 March 2021

Prayer Points 14 March 2021

Our Church In-Person Worship – Thank God for enabling the majority of people at ZB to attend in-person services. As mentioned in last week’s Word in Season, around 10-20% of our members in both...

Prayer Points 7 March 2021

Prayer Points 7 March 2021

Our Church Tuition Ministry – Praise God for the 19 students from REACH Family Service Centre (FSC) and a smooth start to in-person tuition ministry on 25 Feb, Thursday. Thank God also for bringing...

Prayer Points 28 February 2021

Prayer Points 28 February 2021

Our Church ECM – Praise God for all the planning and preparations gone into the Extraordinary Congregational Meeting. Pray for our church to be wise stewards of the resources that God has given to...

Prayer Points 21 February 2021

Prayer Points 21 February 2021

Our Church Christianity Explored – Pray that participants will continue to come weekly. Pray for God’s grace and strength to be with our committed facilitators and table hosts as they give their time towards...

Prayer Points 14 February 2021

Prayer Points 14 February 2021

Our Church Hokkien Service Anniversary cum Lunar New Year Outreach (20 Feb) – Pray for the upcoming outreach to be a time where loved ones and seekers will hear the gospel. Thank God for...

Prayer Points 7 February 2021

Prayer Points 7 February 2021

Our Church English Service Congregations – Let us pray that Zion Bishan will be a steadfast Christ-witnessing Church, that will grow in our love for God and others through our multiple Congregations, and serve...

Prayer Points 31 January 2021

Prayer Points 31 January 2021

Our Church Congregation Shepherding Team Dedication – The Congregation Shepherding Team (CST), comprising one pastor and two elders, has been set up to closely and intentionally work on the pastoral care and discipleship of...

Prayer Points 24 January 2021

Prayer Points 24 January 2021

Our Church The Next Lap – Next week we begin our 200pax in-person services! We are excited, while being cautious, to have more members and visitors join us weekly. Pray for our Pastors and...

Prayer Points 17 January 2021

Prayer Points 17 January 2021

Our Church The Next Lap – Continue to pray for our way forward. As we gear up to 200pax services starting 31 Jan, pray for our Pastors and Elders as they lead their respective...