Prayer Points

Prayer Points 10 January 2021

Prayer Points 10 January 2021

Our Church The Next Lap – Thank God for showing us the next step forward, as outlined in the bulletin last week.As the English services scale up to 200pax on the 31 Jan –...

Prayer Points 3 January 2021

Prayer Points 3 January 2021

Our Church The Next Lap – This part of our vision was presented last week: Our Challenge – In order to facilitate all members returning weekly at fixed times, we will maintain our current...

Prayer Points 27 December 2020

Prayer Points 27 December 2020

Our Church The Next Lap – Each week, look out for one part of our vision moving forward. This was presented last week: Our Commitment – To make it possible for all to come...

Prayer Points 20 December 2020

Prayer Points 20 December 2020

Our Church The Next Lap – Each week, look out for one part of our vision moving forward. This was presented last week: Our Concern – while online services have helped people observe corporate...

Prayer Points 13 December 2020

Prayer Points 13 December 2020

Our Church The Next Lap – Each week, look out for one part of our vision moving forward. This was presented last week: Our Conviction – that as embodied persons – there is great...

Prayer Points 6 December 2020

Prayer Points 6 December 2020

Our Church December Sermon Series – As we begin our evangelistic Christmas series, pray that as the gospel is preached from our pulpit, ears will be open to receive God’s Word. Pray for the...

Prayer Points 29 November 2020

Prayer Points 29 November 2020

Our Church Family Ministry Events – Thank God for the yesterday’s Faith at Home session that touched on sitting our children in the main worship service. It is important to teach our children to...

Prayer Points 22 November 2020

Prayer Points 22 November 2020

Our Church & People December – As we approach the end of the year, and into the time of advent, pray for the many church activities happening in the upcoming month: Evangelistic Sermon Series...

Prayer Points 15 November 2020

Prayer Points 15 November 2020

Our Church Land Lease Renewal Fund – As we work towards this milestone, thank God for the generous giving and for the interest-free loans by our members and regular worshippers. Pray that we will...

Prayer Points 8 November 2020

Prayer Points 8 November 2020

Our Church Budget – Our annual “Ministry Behind the Money” usually happens around this time. Even though we are not conducting it this year, ministries are going through their budgeting exercise for the next...