Prayer Points

Prayer Points 1 November 2020

Prayer Points 1 November 2020

Our Church In-Person Services – We have been meeting in our Cluster level services for 5 months. Thank God for the gradual increase in number of persons allowed to come and worship in church....

Prayer Points 25 October 2020

Prayer Points 25 October 2020

Our Church 26th Anniversary (24 Oct) – Thank God for seeing Zion Bishan through another year of ministry, especially in the recent months of COVID-19. Pray for our church to continue building one another...

Prayer Points 18 October 2020

Prayer Points 18 October 2020

Our Church 26th Anniversary (24 Oct) – Our upcoming anniversary service will be livestreamed as we have been doing for a while now. Pray for our church as we look back together at how...

Prayer Points 11 October 2020

Prayer Points 11 October 2020

Our Church Safety Precautions – We thank God we can gather in relative safety to worship Him as a church. But let us pray, even as things seem safe, that we remain vigilant and...

Prayer Points 4 October 2020

Prayer Points 4 October 2020

Our Church October In-Person Services – Thank God we begin meeting with up to 100 worshippers today! “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful....

Prayer Points 27 September 2020

Prayer Points 27 September 2020

Our Church 100pax In-Person Sunday Services – Thank God we are ready to conduct 100pax services starting next month. Pray for every member to consider deeply why it is good for us to meet...

Prayer Points 20 September 2020

Prayer Points 20 September 2020

Our Church Annual Congregational Meeting (26 Sep) – With a week left to ACM, continue to pray for all the administrative and operational matters that involve the virtual meeting to run smoothly. Pray for...

Prayer Points 13 September 2020

Prayer Points 13 September 2020

Our Church Annual Congregational Meeting (26 Sep) – Continue to keep our upcoming ACM in prayer. Pray for the ACM planning team as they continue working out the logistics necessary to ensure the smooth...

Prayer Points 6 September 2020

Prayer Points 6 September 2020

Our Church Tamil Service – Thank God for blessing our Tamil Service! They celebrate their 36th anniversary today. Pray for their congregation to grow spiritually and for more to join them. Our People Teachers...

Prayer Points 30 August 2020

Prayer Points 30 August 2020

Our Church Christianity Explored (26 Aug) – This stage of CE is where some participants stop coming, and the others usually stay until the end. Pray for those who have stopped coming, that the...