Prayer Points

Prayer Points 23 August 2020

Prayer Points 23 August 2020

Our Church Annual Congregational Meeting (26 Sep) – As the church works towards this virtual ACM, uphold our leadership and planning team in prayer. With a lot of information and instructions going out, pray...

Prayer Points 16 August 2020

Prayer Points 16 August 2020

Our Church Christianity Explored (12 Aug) – CE had 28 participants last week. Do encourage and pray for our table hosts. Running the course via Zoom makes engagement with participants difficult. Pray for the...

Prayer Points 9 August 2020

Prayer Points 9 August 2020

Our Church Christianity Explored (5 Aug) – Last Wednesday, CE had 42 participants. Continue to uphold our facilitators and tables hosts in prayer. Pray also for the non-Christians to be open to the gospel...

Prayer Points 2 August 2020

Prayer Points 2 August 2020

Our Church Joshua Sermon Series – As we embark on a new sermon series starting this month, pray that the hearts of every listener will grow in their understanding and appreciation of God’s word....

Prayer Points 26 July 2020

Prayer Points 26 July 2020

Our Church In-Person Services – Thank God for the resumption of services in July. As we look towards continuing the same in August, pray that all logistics, safety and necessary preparations will be carried...

Prayer Points 19 July 2020

Prayer Points 19 July 2020

Our Church BPCIS Webinar – The BPCIS held a webinar for pastors and ministry leaders on 13 July. Thank God for the opportunity for our BP churches to come together and to hear from...

Prayer Points 12 July 2020

Prayer Points 12 July 2020

Our Church Missions Month – As we learn about frontier people groups, pray for labourers to be sent into this important mission field. Pray that as a church, we understand the role we play...

Prayer Points 5 July 2020

Prayer Points 5 July 2020

Our Church In-person Church Services – Praise God some of us are able to gather in church today! We have waited a long time for this day, which has given us a glimpse of...

Prayer Points 28 June 2020

Prayer Points 28 June 2020

Our Church ZB COVID Taskforce – Thank God for the faithful service of Ps Dev, Vernon and Eld George who will be stepping down from the taskforce which started in February. Pray for new...

Prayer Points 21 June 2020

Prayer Points 21 June 2020

Our Church Leadership – Pray for the pastoral team as they seek God’s leading as the church regains its momentum. Pray also for the pastors, elders, deacons, AG and ministry leaders as they seek...