Prayer Points

Prayer Points 14 June 2020

Prayer Points 14 June 2020

Our Church ZB Ministry Initiatives – Pray for the continuing efforts and new initiatives being set into place as church carries on in this time when we are united by the Spirit even though...

Prayer Points 7 June 2020

Prayer Points 7 June 2020

Our Church Post-circuit breaker – The government has released a fresh set of directives for post-circuit breaker church gatherings. We are still not allowed to gather and will have to continue with live-streamed services...

Prayer Points 31 May 2020

Prayer Points 31 May 2020

Our Church Pentecost Sunday – “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory...

Prayer Points 24 May 2020

Prayer Points 24 May 2020

Our Church Ascension – Before our Lord Jesus was carried up to heaven He said to His disciples “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that...

Prayer Points 17 May 2020

Prayer Points 17 May 2020

Our Church ZB COVID-19 Ministry Initiatives — Continue to pray for the ongoing work with the 5 rough sleepers placed in our care through the S3P and the food-aid meal deliveries which have seen...

Prayer Points 10 May 2020

Prayer Points 10 May 2020

Our Church ZB COVID-19 Ministry Initiatives — In today’s Mission Focus, we thank God for the relief work our church is doing for our community. Thank God for sufficient volunteers that serve cheerfully and...

Prayer Points 3 May 2020

Prayer Points 3 May 2020

Our Church Lament and Confession — “I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.” (Psalm 13) ZB COVID-19...

Prayer Points 26 Apr 2020

Prayer Points 26 Apr 2020

Our Church ZB COVID-19 Ministry Initiatives – Pray for the team looking into the results of the ZB COVID-19 Survey #2. Over 170 have responded and provided perspective on how our members are coping...

Prayer Points 19 Apr 2020

Prayer Points 19 Apr 2020

Our Church Church shelter (20 Apr) – Many shelter seekers are displaced due to safe-distancing measures causing reduced housing availability. Session has approved and responded to MSF’s appealed for churches to provide temporary housing...

Prayer Points 12 Apr 2020

Prayer Points 12 Apr 2020

Our Church Lament (Psalm 13) — “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my...