Prayer Points

Prayer Points 26 Nov 2023

Prayer Points 26 Nov 2023

Our Church Christmas Series: From Sorrow to Joy – Pray that the LORD will use our evangelistic advent series in December to show many the true joy that only Jesus can bring this season. Pray...

Prayer Points 19 Nov 2023

Prayer Points 19 Nov 2023

Our Church Ministry Behind the Money – Please pray that many members will attend the MBTM presentations today at 1.30-3.30pm (see back of bulletin for details), so that they can be better informed on how...

Prayer Points 12 Nov 2023

Prayer Points 12 Nov 2023

Our Church MM Retreat – Please uphold the 66 brothers, as they leave for their annual Men’s Ministry spiritual retreat at Pulai Springs, JB from 12-14 Nov. Do pray that they will have a safe...

Prayer Points 5 Nov 2023

Prayer Points 5 Nov 2023

Our Church India Team – Ps Ebi and Shu Anne left last week to join Sharon in India for visits to two mission partners. They will be there till mid November. For one partner,...

Prayer Points 29 Oct 2023

Prayer Points 29 Oct 2023

Our Church Zion Bishan 29th Anniversary – We thank God for His 29 years of provisions. We will be finishing one cycle of 30 years next year and will also be renewing our land lease....

Prayer Points 22 Oct 2023

Prayer Points 22 Oct 2023

Our Church Nepal Teams – Thank God that Janet, Joey, Rachel and Priscilla have returned safely from Nepal. Thank God for a good time with the children and youth in various centres. Pray that the...

Prayer Points 15 Oct 2023

Prayer Points 15 Oct 2023

Our Church Nepal Teams – We give thanks that the various ZB teams have all arrived safely and are able to share their skills and love of Christ with our partners (youths, special needs children...

Prayer Points 8 Oct 2023

Prayer Points 8 Oct 2023

Our Church Combined Leaders’ Retreat – Praise God for the annual Combined Leaders’ Retreat yesterday (7 Oct, Sat) where the Pastors, Elders, BOD, Staff and AG Leaders from all 8 congregations came together for a...

Prayer Points 1 Oct 2023

Prayer Points 1 Oct 2023

Our People Pastor Kew has relinquished his duties as Pastor of Zion Bishan on 30 Sep after 23 years. He has been in ministry the last 44 years. He will spend some time to rest...

Prayer Points 24 Sep 2023

Prayer Points 24 Sep 2023

Our Church Domestic Helpers’ Fellowship (DHF) – Thank God for our helpers who have been meeting and taking turns to lead one another in the study of God’s Word. Pray for all the employers...