Prayer Points

Prayer Points 9 July 2023

Prayer Points 9 July 2023

Our Church Next Sermon Series: Revelation – Do continue to pray for the Preaching Team, who met for a retreat on Friday July 7 to walk through and discuss our next preaching book: Revelation. Pray that...

Prayer Points 2 July 2023

Prayer Points 2 July 2023

Our Church Basic AG Leaders Equipping (BAGLE) – Remember in prayer the 8 BAGLE participants as the course rounds up with a half-day retreat this coming Saturday (8 July). Pray for these 8 members and...

Prayer Points 25 June 2023

Prayer Points 25 June 2023

Our Church Church Camp – We thank God for a wonderful church camp together. Campers were blessed by the deep messages from John 21 on Jesus’s personal interactions with Peter. We also had several workshops teaching...

Prayer Points 18 June 2023

Prayer Points 18 June 2023

Our Church Cambodia trip – Pray for the 12 member team, 3 from our church and the rest from other churches led by Heather and Jethro to Cambodia from 24 Jun to 1 Jul.  Pray for...

Prayer Points 11 June 2023

Prayer Points 11 June 2023

Our Church ZB Church Camp 2023 from 16-19 Jun – We praise God that a total of 369 campers aged 6 months to 82 years will be attending camp this year! Please pray for a spiritually enriching...

Prayer Points 4 June 2023

Prayer Points 4 June 2023

Our Church Elected Leaders – Thank God for the election of our 2 new pastors, 2 new deacons and 2 new deaconesses. They will be installed at the various services over the next two Sundays....

Prayer Points 28 May 2023

Prayer Points 28 May 2023

Our Church Reception of Members – Praise the Lord for all the adults and children being received into membership today at the various services. We thank our Father in heaven that He is still drawing people...

Prayer Points 21 May 2023

Prayer Points 21 May 2023

Our Church Basic AG Leaders Equipping Course – Thank God for the 8 members/leaders who are participating in this run of BAGLE, beginning today. Pray that our Father will minister to them as they reflect on...

Prayer Points 14 May 2023

Prayer Points 14 May 2023

Our Church Mother’s Day – Thank God for our mothers here in the Zion Bishan family, for their patience and love in all that they do for our families. Thank God too for the women...

Prayer Points 7 May 2023

Prayer Points 7 May 2023

Our Church Parents’ Day Thanksgiving Evangelistic Night – We thank God for the 200+ people who attended this outreach event on Saturday, 6 May. Pastor Simon Neo from Breakthrough Mission brought a team of ex-drug...