Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes 23 October 2022

Sermon Notes 23 October 2022

Be Imitators of God Speaker: Ps Alby YipEphesians 5:1-21                                                                                           Introduction Walk in Love… Walk as Children of Light… Walk as Wise [Men]… Out of Reverence for Christ! Questions for Reflection and Discussion: What do...

Sermon Notes 16 October 2022

Sermon Notes 16 October 2022

The Glorious Ministry of the Saints ( 8.30am & 10.30am )Speaker: Ps Vernon QuekEphesians 4:17-32                                                                                           Intro: Caution! Floodgates opening! Remember 4:1 & 11-16: Our glorious calling and ministry: ‘truthing in love’ i. The Key...

Sermon Notes 9 October 2022

Sermon Notes 9 October 2022

Walk Speaker: Mr Ng Zhi-wen / Ps Dev MenonEphesians 4:1-16                                                                                           Introduction: Sit… Walk… Unity (4:1-6) Diversity (4:7-12) Maturity (4:13-16) Conclusion Questions for Reflection and Discussion: What do you recall from the sermon? What were...

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

With the One and with One Another Speaker: Mr Ng Zhi-wenJohn 13:34-35, 1 Peter 4:7-11                                                                                             CST Sunday: Everyone Mature in Christ Life Actually (#GetReal) Love One Another #GetReal in our Congregation Questions for Reflection and...

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

The Body of Christ Speaker: Ps Alby Yip1 Corinthians 12:12-31                                                                                              Introduction Unity Diversity Interdependability Conclusion Questions for Reflection and Discussion: What do you remember about the passage/message? What does unity in Christ mean to...

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

True Worship & Service Speaker: Ps Vernon QuekRomans 1:16-17, Romans 12:1-13, Romans 13:8-10                                        Intro: What is holy and acceptable to God? (12:1) True Worship: 1. Demands a living sacrifice!  (12:1) To present our whole bodies and lives 2....

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

Sermon Notes 2 October 2022

Rest Speaker: Ps Dev MenonMatthew 11:25-30                                            Jesus says: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I...

Sermon Notes 25 September 2022

Sermon Notes 25 September 2022

Speaker: Mr Quek Tze-Ming ( 8.30am & 10.30am ) Eyes of Your Heart Enlightened Recap of Ephesians 1-3                                                  Introduction The Story of God … vs. “the powers” The Story of Church Conclusion: The Story of...

Sermon Notes 18 September 2022

Sermon Notes 18 September 2022

Speaker: Mr Danny Chua / Mr Ng Zhi-Wen  Far More Abundantly Ephesians 3:14-21                                                      THE GOAL: to be so filled with the all-powerful God that we the church glorify Him! (3:19-21) To KNOW how GREAT (B x...

Sermon Notes 11 September 2022

Sermon Notes 11 September 2022

Speaker: Ps Alby Yip Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery Ephesians 3:1-13 Introduction Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus the mystery was made known to me the promise in Christ Jesusthrough the Gospel Of this GospelI...