Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes 12 March 2023

Sermon Notes 12 March 2023

Four Chariots and the Crown Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming / Ps Dev MenonZechariah 6:1-15 Introduction Final Vision: Four Chariots (vv. 1-8) “Behold, those who go toward the north country have set my Spirit at...

Sermon Notes 5 March 2023

Sermon Notes 5 March 2023

Flying Scroll and Flying Basket Speakers: Ps Ng Zhiwen / Ps Dev MenonZechariah 4:1-14 Introduction Vision 1: The Flying Scroll (5:1-4) This is the Curse … that goes out Vision 2: The Basket and...

Sermon Notes 19 February 2023

Sermon Notes 19 February 2023

Joshua the High Priest … and a Branch Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming / Ps Dev MenonZechariah 3:1-10 Introduction Joshua the High Priest has a Problem Joshua the High Priest gets a Make-Over Joshua the...

Sermon Notes 12 February 2023

Sermon Notes 12 February 2023

Horsemen, Horns and God’s Holy City Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming / Ps Vernon QuekZechariah 1:7-2:13 Intro: ‘Return to Me…’ (1:1-6) 3 Visions for Returnees: #1: Horsemen (1:7-17) #2: Horns (1:18-21) #3: God’s Holy City (2:1-13) Conclusion: Up! To...

Sermon Notes 5 February 2023

Sermon Notes 5 February 2023

Return To Me, And I Will Return To You Speakers: Ps Ng Zhiwen / Mr Danny ChuaZechariah 1:1-6 The Story: Returned from Exile  The Call: “Return to Me” (1:3)                   I was very angry with...

Sermon Notes 29 January 2023

Sermon Notes 29 January 2023

Grow, Go & Glow Speaker: Ps Alby YipMatthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:4-11 Introduction Make Disciples Be Witnesses Conclusion Questions for Reflection & Discussion:

Sermon Notes 22 January 2023

Sermon Notes 22 January 2023

The Mission of the Church #GetSent ( 8:30am & 10:30am )Speaker: Ps Vernon QuekMatthew 28:16-20 Personal Discipleship ( 4:30pm )Speaker: Ps Ng ZhiwenPhilippians 3:7-4:1, 4:8-9

Sermon Notes 15 January 2023

Sermon Notes 15 January 2023

Gospel Culture ( 8:30am & 10:30am )Speaker: Ps Dev MenonJohn 13:34-35 God’s Kind of Love Loving the Sinner Experiencing God’s Love Questions for Reflection and Discussion: The Mission of the Church #GetSent ( 4:30pm...

Sermon Notes 8 January 2023

Sermon Notes 8 January 2023

Personal Discipleship ( 8:30am & 10:30am )Speaker: Ps Ng ZhiwenPhilippians 3:7-4:1, 4:8-9 A Dedication Prayer Maturity – Discipled by Jesus Getting there by getting deep: Personal Discipleship             Listen to their teaching             Observe their living...