
Alone Again, (Naturally)?

While we #GetReal about the struggles of the young in navigating Christian singleness, we acknowledge Christians at a senior stage of life also grapple with it for various reasons (circumstances, widowhood, etc.). Elder David...

#GetReal June Sermon Series

Our upcoming #GetReal sermon series in the month of June is based on our Discipleship vision to Get Deep in God’s Word as a church, Get Real with one another about difficult struggles and issues, and...

Youth Fellowship – Games Day

1 May, 3.45-6.00pm, Saturday, Chapel Inviting all Youths! Come on down for a blast and LOADS of fun, looking forward to see you all!Contact jacqueline@zionbishan.org.sg for more information!Sign up at tinyurl.com/1MAYyfgames.

Infant Baptism Parent Class

8 May, 10.00am, Saturday, at Chapel Parents presenting their infants for baptism on 23 May will need to attend a Faith at Home session on Infant Baptism on 8 May. Email lydia@zionbishan.org.sg for membership form and...