
ZB Youth Camp 2023

11–15 Dec 2023 Calling all youths! This year’s 5D4N Youth Camp is now open for registration!  View details and REGISTER at bit.ly/ZBYC23 — come find out why we’re Not Yet Home If you have friends between 12 and...

Hebrews #18 Chapter 12:1-17

Day 1 Read Heb 11 again. What have you learnt about faith from the “great cloud of witnesses” that the author gives as examples? How have they encouraged you to continue to endure by...

Hebrews #17 Chapter 11

Day 1: Read Hebrews 10:35-39 again. How is the author encouraging the church here? Why does he quote the Old Testament (Habbakuk 2:3-4) here? Spend some time praying for our hearts to be even...

Youth Ministry

Calling for youths to be connected to the ZB church family. If you’re a Youth (13–18 year-old), join us for Youth Fellowship on Saturdays, and Youth Discipleship class on Sundays. If your family would...

Hebrews #16 3-10 Reflection

Featured image from Full of Eyes. This week, we’ll spend some time pulling together some of the big things we’ve learnt in Hebrews 3-10. Read through those chapters again — consider (a) what are...

Hebrews #15 10:19-39

Featured image from Full of Eyes. Day 1 Read Hebrews 10:14-18. What have you understood better about Christ’s sacrifice from last week’s passage? How have you grown in wonder and appreciation about the forgiveness...

Journey Through Revelation

A fortnightly study following the sermon seriesFirst session on Thurs, 27 Jul, 7.45pm Register your interest here: http://bit.ly/GetRevelation “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! — Rev. 22:20