
Hebrews #22 Whole Book Review

Short note on devotions for Whole Book Review:  As we begin to meditate over all that we’ve have heard in Hebrews from our Father in His Final Word through Jesus, we want to take...

Hebrews #21 C. 11-13 Review

Day 1 This week, we are aiming to revisit the word God has spoken to us through Hebrews 11-13 over the past few weeks. Take your time today to slowly read through Hebrews 11...

Hebrews #20 Chapter 13

Day 1: In the last few weeks, we’ve seen that Hebrews 12 begins and ends with two conclusion statements: 12:1-2 & 12: 28-29. Read these two parts of Hebrews 12 again and spend some...

Hebrews #19 Chapter 12:18-29

Featured image from Full of Eyes. Day 1 Read Heb 12.1-17 again. How does the author encourage the readers to endure? How has it re-framed the way you think about our struggle with sin...

ZB Youth Camp 2023

11–15 Dec 2023 Calling all youths! This year’s 5D4N Youth Camp is now open for registration!  View details and REGISTER at bit.ly/ZBYC23 — come find out why we’re Not Yet Home If you have friends between 12 and...

Hebrews #18 Chapter 12:1-17

Day 1 Read Heb 11 again. What have you learnt about faith from the “great cloud of witnesses” that the author gives as examples? How have they encouraged you to continue to endure by...

Hebrews #17 Chapter 11

Day 1: Read Hebrews 10:35-39 again. How is the author encouraging the church here? Why does he quote the Old Testament (Habbakuk 2:3-4) here? Spend some time praying for our hearts to be even...