
Hebrews #11 C. 3-7 Reflection

For this week’s devotions we’ll spend some time pulling together some of the big themes that we’ve seen throughout CH 3-7. Do spend some time to re-read Ch 3-7 again slowly and consider what...

Hebrews #10 7:1-28

(C) Featured image: The Bible Project Day 1: Last week, in 5:11-6:20, we were shown what Christian maturity looks like, and warned about the dangers of being immature: Take some time to reflect on...

Hebrews #9 5:11-6:20

Day 1 How did you grow in your understanding of Jesus as your compassionate brother and sympathetic High Priest? How has that helped you to more boldly approach God’s throne of grace in times...

Hebrews #8 4:14-5:10

Day 1 Recall some of the big encouragements you gained from our time in Hebrews 3:1–4:13 in the past weeks. How has your heart been challenged and exhorted by God’s word? Take a moment...

Hebrews #7 3:1-4:13 (Part 2)

Day 1: Last week, in our first look at  Hebrews 3:1-4:13, we received a heart-felt and clear warning to learn from Moses’ generation and their hardened hearts. Compared to that generation, in what ways...

Hebrews #6 3:1-4:13 (Part 1)

Day 1: Recall again how the author of Hebrews’ wants his readers (them AND us!) to respond to what he has written so far. List out all the things the author showed us in...