
Hebrews #5 C. 1-2 Reflection

“We should muse upon the things of God, because we will then get the real nutrition out of them. Truth is something like a cluster of grapes: if we want wine from it, we...

Hebrews #4 2:5-18

Day 1 Recall what we learnt in the last passage. What details helped you appreciate Jesus more? How has it encouraged you to pay attention to Jesus & his message of salvation? Take some...

Hebrews #3 1:1-2:4 (Part 2)

Day 1 What did you learn in the first study about how we should respond to Hebrews 1:1-2:4 (*hint: think specifically about 2:1-4)? Begin the week by asking for our God’s help to work...

EXPLORE Internship

Got a long break between NS/Poly/Uni? The EXPLORE Internship will run for 10 weeks from 14 Mar – 23 May. Over the internship, you will get to learn about God and His work through...

Hebrews #2 1:1-2:4 (Part 1)

Day 1 Spend some time reflecting on the broad themes of Hebrews we’ve thought about last week. What are you most excited to hear, or have most questions about? Pray to our heavenly Father...

Hebrews #1 Overview Session

1. How are you feeling about hearing God’s word and reading it to others this year? Spend a moment to speak to your Father in heaven about this in prayer. Set aside around 45...