English Services

Phasing Out Of Live-Streaming

Please note the following details for our phased cessation of live-streaming: The live-streaming for the 3pm service will cease from Sun, 2 Oct.The 10.30am service will continue to be live-streamed till the end of our Ephesians sermon series (in...

Watchnight Service: “Press On”

31 Dec, 9.30pm & 10.45pm, Friday Testimony sharing begins at 9.30pm and the livestreamed Watchnight service (with Holy Communion) begins at 10.45pm in the Sanctuary. Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/watchnight-service-at-zion-bishan-bp-church-tickets-229654010327 Watchnight Service livestream: https://youtu.be/ADERYASTWgc A New...

Christmas Day Services

25 Dec, 10.30am & 5.00pm, Saturday Come, invite your family and friends, to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Through carols, Bible readings, and a message, hear the story anew and tell those you have invited why...

English Services (Vaccinated) Registration

Register and join us at Zion Bishan’s English Worship Services (Vaccinated). Based on MCCY and MOH guidelines, to be “Vaccinated” means: You are fully vaccinated, i.e. has received the full regimen of Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty,...

Worship Services

From November onwards, Zion Bishan’s English & Chinese Worship services will be holding only 250pax (Vaccinated) services (see Sesson Mtg H’lights on p6). Based on MCCY and MOH guidelines, to be “Vaccinated” means: You...

Zion Bishan 27th Anniversary Service

30 Oct, Saturday, 5.00pm, Sanctuary Thank God for His faithfulness towards Zion Bishan! We will be holding a combined ethnic service on 30 Oct, 250pax (vaccinated) in-person and on livestream. Register: zionbishan.org.sg/27anvLivestream: zionbishan.org.sg/27live Learn how to...