An Action Group (as small groups are called here) is simply a mini reflection of the Church as God intended it to be.
An AG is a group of Christians who love Jesus and are prepared to share their lives regularly with one another by studying the Bible, praying and caring for one another, and encouraging one another to look outwards and take action together for the Gospel.

We strongly encourage you to discover for yourself what church life truly is like, by visiting some of our AGs! At present, we have over 30 different AGs. We have AGs that meet weekly or fortnightly, some on weeknights and some on weekends. There are groups that cater for the needs of young adults in university, those transiting into marriage and parenthood, and more mature adults too.
We also encourage our members to grow in intentional, spiritual friendships with one another. Find out more about the 3-2-1 model by our friend and author, Rev. Dr. Tan Soo-Inn here. Here is an example of how we are adapting this in our AGs:

If you have any queries about joining an AG or any other questions, please free to contact Pastor Dev at dev@zionbishan.org.sg.
*LP Bible Study Training Cycle 2022 – Old Testament Overview Devotional Questions & Reflection