Soccer Ministry
We thank God for seeing the soccer ministry reaching its 10th year of service. We now have a regular of 20+ grassroot/ neighbourhood children attending the regular Saturday’s soccer training/games. The training emphasizes character building. The objective of the ministry is to share a taste of God’s goodness and eventually the gospel with the children through this free-of-charge training. Our group of children are multi-racial: Chinese, Malay, Indian and multi-nationals e.g. Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Myanmar, Chinese (China), Indian (India) & Malaysian (mission is at our doorstep!).
The major activity last year was the Soccer Outing in November, where a total of 28 persons (children and their parents) attended. For 2019, we resumed soccer training and attendance increased first quarter where we had a peak of 26 children. We also hope to invite the children for our church activities e.g. Easter, Christmas, Anniversary celebration, etc. Currently the training is run by coaches Dn Chin Yew and Ashish. Succession planning is in place for Ashish to take over eventually.