In different regions, our church serves and loves others through working with partners or having some members directly involved in outreach ministries. The aim is to establish mature and thriving churches among least-reached peoples. We do so through various ministries, such as community development (responding to human need by loving service), encouraging other brothers and sisters in these nations who are reaching their own people with the good news of Jesus. We also aim to see all Zion Bishan members involved in serving others whether near to us or further away, through prayer, giving and going.
Here is a list of our overseas ministries:
- S E Asia – Youth Ministries, occasional relief work.
- South Asia – Serving needy Children, families, Encouraging other Christians, occasional relief work.
- West Asia – Encouraging other Christians.
Latest Posts in Overseas Ministries
MENA Missions Gathering
1 – 3 May 2025 Sign up through the link […]
Indonesia Post-Trip Sharing
13 Oct (Sun) 2-3.30pm Chapel at Level 4 Come and join […]