The Zion Bishan Family Trait

By Ps Vernon Quek Last weekend, we heard in Romans Chapter 4 the wonderful truth that Abraham’s faith was what God counted to him as righteousness – and that this was Good News not just for...

The Middle Age

By Ps Dev Menon A couple of days ago I firmly entered what is known as ‘the middle age’. It’s the life-stage where you can no longer even remotely identify as a young adult,...

BPCIS Combined Good Friday Service

18 Apr (Fri) 10.30amACS (Independent), Auditorium 2 EMBRACING THE CROSS OF JESUSSpeaker: Rev (Dr) Yap Kim Sin Register for tickets here by 29 Mar. Distribution of tickets via fellowship hall booth on 30 Mar. Coach transportation to...

God’s Household

By Mr Danny Chua This year, I have been especially thinking about God’s Household. This is a phrase that comes from 1 Timothy 3:1-7, where the Apostle Paul instructs us on the qualifications for...

The People Behind the Money

By Ps Vernon Quek This weekend, the members of Zion Bishan gather for our annual Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (ECM). This is the meeting where we talk about the finances – what we’re putting our...

A Brother

By Ps Dev Menon Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Over the last few weeks, I have been reminded of the preciousness of having friends… more...