
A New Government

By Ps Dev Menon Revelation 4:2b Behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne. It still amazes me that just 5 years ago, Singapore was looking at a very different...

Reflections on the BP Church & Revelation

By Ps Vernon Quek Since its founding in 1937 in Collingswood, New Jersey, the global Bible-Presbyterian Church has rightly desired to keep, or guard, the Gospel and biblical truth[1] – this has been and must...

A Thousand Years

By Ps Dev Menon In Revelation 20:1-6, the phrase “a thousand years” is mentioned six times. This phrase is rather unique in Scripture, with only a couple of other brief uses in Psalm 90:4...

BGST Course: Reading Revelation Ethically

Lecturer: Quek Tze-Ming Want to dip more into the study of Revelation? You may want to consider this BGST course next semester. Thursdays (10x) fortnightly from Jan 18, 7.15-10 pm Venue: Zoom (except in-person first...


By Ps Alby Yip We are starting our sermon series on the Book of Revelation this Sunday! Why study Revelation? Some asked. Here are some reasons: Firstly, the Christ we read in the Gospels...

Journey Through Revelation

A fortnightly study following the sermon seriesFirst session on Thurs, 27 Jul, 7.45pm Register your interest here: “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! — Rev. 22:20