word in season

BPCIS Update

THE HAND IS BETTER THAN A LIGHT As the new year begins, we remember, “In the beginning, God….” (Gen 1:1). That’s how the Bible begins: with God, and for the rest of the chapter,...

Christmas: Merry or Messy?

By Ps David Wong From time to time, some horrific tragedy takes place around Christmas to remind us that not all is well in our world.   In 1988, on 21 Dec, a Pan American...

Community Day

By Ps Ng Zhiwen 2 hours before Community Day (16th November) began, I was making my way to our church premises. Earlier in the day, there was a wedding, and right after the wedding...

For The Brothers

By Ps Ng Zhiwen The Men’s Ministry (MM) held their 15th retreat on 31st October to 2nd November. It was my second time attending an MM retreat, and it won’t be my last. I appreciated getting to...